I found this one in a nursery section of a florist, where they weren’t thrilled with it as a tree, so I got it for $30 provided I promised to return the pot. Which I was happy to do, since it strikes me as excellent bonsai stock.
Total height is over five feet… I should measure it some time.
It didn’t come with any identification, and the owner of the store didn’t recall the species, so I had to try to place it myself.
The tree had a lot of brown leaves left over from the winter.
AI identification didn’t work, because more of less every leaf has been nibbled heavily enough to make them look like holly leaves.
When I started looking at it closely, it’s definitely a Syzygium (includes myrtles, brush cherry, and satinash), and probably a lilly pilly. After spending some time trying to match the bark, I’ve settled on it as a magenta lilly pilly (Syzygium paniculatum). Apparently this is a vulnerable species.
It’s a big tree, so it goes into one of my largest pots.
Seems pretty root bound.
Lots of roots.
Still going
And clear. It’s hard to see, but there’s a pretty clear upper level to the roots, and a lower level, separated by a spiraling tap root. Which suits me fine.
This was annoying. The roots had completely grown around the stake. I couldn’t get it out without risking breaking the roots. I ended up snapping it off top and bottom, but it’s still there.
Yes, that looks like it fits.
Soil covered and fertilized.
I’m hoping to encourage more root growth and keep it moist, so there’s a layer of sphagnum moss cuttings.
And a layer of rocks to keep the moss in place… maybe not the best color choice, but I can fix that in future years.
And there’s the end of day one.
Day two isn’t shown, but I cut off a lot of leaves, hoping to both reduce the burden on the root system, and to encourage growth of new leaves.
Longer term, I’ll wire the foliage to get a cloud pad effect. This is by far my most bonsai-style tree, so I figure I’ll lean into it.
Very pleased with this one.
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