I knew this one was suffering, and I’ve been meaning to replant it, but it’s taken forever to get around it it. I’ve previously referred to this as a Forest, but that’s because I’d completely forgotten what it was like when potted. As it turns out below, this is a proper raft-style bonsai. I am making some language changes.
Starting point… several dead trunks, including one that seems to have been completely snapped.
Getting it out after 6-ish years untouched. There’s no fly screen there, that’s purely matted roots, fine particles, and the inward curving pot. It simply peeled off.
Cleaning up, and I find there’s no wire or wooden frames holding all this together.
A bit more cleaning and we can see the raft structure more clearly.
I decided on a slightly bigger pot to give roots room to grow.
Some decisions here. I left some of the old mix on the roots rather than thoroughly cleaning to carry over the old biome, and because I didn’t want to risk the roots that survive. I left the dead trunks for potential interest. And I covered with stone to discourage roots growing at the top of the raft, hoping I’ll be able to display that more clearly in future.
And done. This is very much a Hail Mary repotting, but this soil mix has been working for me recently. Maybe with a couple of seasons of growth and I’ll have branches.
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