Last month I took some photos and checked a reference on how to prune a wisteria. And yesterday I decided to follow through.
Starting point. That’s about 1 meter across, which is just too large for the tree.
And side view.
Delving into the actual branches, this is pretty typical, with stems and buds going off in all directions. This is probably coming from wisteria as vine.
The basic leaf structure in pinnated, with 11 leaves on each stem.
The pruning advice is to cut back to four leaves.
This is the result of cutting all the leaves back to the four leaf structure.
It’s certainly compacted the canopy. It also shows more clearly that the stems are going off in all directions. Which brings us to the next point of action.
A squatter tumbled out of the tree.
Hit the road, little fella.
I’ll need to watch, but I believe these are the proto-branches.
I’ve left them in place to see if they harden up over time.
The ground cover hides it a bit, but there’s a real foot to this trunk.
This is after pruning the stems to (mostly) remove backwards and upwards stems.
Rotating. This is now about half as wide, and noticeably thinner.
The tree is healthy and vigorous, so I’m expecting the buds will sprout soon, and I’ll get a second flush of growth. I look forward to learning whether that means a second flush of flowers as well.
By ancient tradition.
EDIT: I have pictures from three weeks later and its still November, so they go here.
Budding in progress.
I’m writing from two weeks further (i.e. mid-December). Those buds did become leaves, and the tree overall has become denser. I got a couple of flowering stems as well. So yes, the pruning technique worked well. 5 out of 5, will prune again. 🙂
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