I looked at this a month ago and thought I should let it develop for a while. Times up.
I love the greenness, and that I’m in the middle of summer without burned leaves. But it’s a bit shapeless.
View from another side.
I’m in the middle of pruning here, with the long shoots gone. I love having this canopy – a not quite continuous curtain of green leaf.
A close up of one of the lower branches, where the foliage is hiding something.
There we are – a straight branch that just sticks out of the tree.
This doesn’t show it too well, but I’m imagining what happens if that branch gets cut back.
Emboldened, I look at this other straight branch.
Here’s a clear shot of the aftermath… there’s plenty of other growth on this branch to take the extra light, and I should get some good ramification as a result.
And done. Or am I?
This came from somewhere up the top. It was crossing in front of the trunk in a not so helpful way.
Proper done.
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