Weigela: December 2024 maintenance

After the spring flush, the weigela just sort of hunkers down for the rest of the year. And in this case, gets badly burned by the sun. I’m pruning here to remove the burned leaves, but also to try and open the structure a bit to make it less of a bouquet.

This happened on a forty-degree day earlier this summer.
These leaves aren’t good for the plant. (Or so I understand… I’m not an expert.)
Weigela: December 2024 maintenance
In addition to the leaves, I removed a lot of branches with more than two. It’s left the weigela a lot more open.
Another view.
By ancient tradition. Rather more wood than I would normally cut.

I expect this will grow back strongly over the next two months. I’m hoping that I’ll get more ramification at the edges, rather than filling in solidly.

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