Bottle Tree: January 2025 updates

In early January I put one of the main trunks back to create a slingshot fork. The intention is that I get some repeated forking at close intervals, so it quickly goes from 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 to many. But it’s a heavy cut, so I’m keen to watch the regrowth. Hence, photos from late January.

This is growing on the outside… very happy with this placement.
More budding a little lower down.
The photos don’t really do justice to the trunk.
Hand for scale. And I still feel the photo isn’t doing it justice. The base is like a coke can.
Bottle Tree: January 2025 updates
Overall shot, taken from the worst possible angle. /facepalm
This is a week later, and the new leader on the cut branch is doing well.
hmm… I think the branch on the inside of the other side of the fork will need to go.
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