Magenta Lilly Pilly: Summer 2025 update

Turns out that the Magenta Lilly Pilly really struggles with hot days. As in, whole branches die. And we’ve had a few very hot days.

In early December half of the old branches were beginning to develop a nice set of new leaves. (Admittedly hard to see here.)
The first of the hot days came along in mid-December. It scorched the upper layer. They died and never came back.
A lower level of leaves was apparently untouched by the heat.
On the 11th January, things seemed ok enough. I was even hoping this flower would confirm that it is in fact a Magenta Lilly Pilly.
This is a week later, after some very hot days.
As far as I can tell, all the green on the tree was dead.
I put it in a tray of water hoping that would help.
Magenta Lilly Pilly: Summer 2025 update
A week later again, and all the leaves have dried and crumbled. Hot weather has persisted.
This is 3rd February, and at least some portion of the root system is still active. I’ll be upset if the only growth is suckers like this.

In hindsight, I should have left the tree in a much larger pot for a season, without cutting the roots. The previous leaves had been badly damaged, and it might have benefited from tie to recover.

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