Tasman Ruffles: January 2025 training

These were taken from the ground in August and put into pots. Both have been doing well enough that I will need to have a way to distinguish them. Unless I do a joint planting… nah.

Team Overhang

This is the one characterized by a heavy overhang, with center of the foliage being a good distance from the trunk.

Center of foliage is maybe 20 cm from the trunk.
The lack of growth is from its prior position next to a fence. It could still fill in.
Pruning to cut back the vertical shoots. It’s possible this might end up as clouds.

Team Upright

This tree is much more vertically aligned, although the actual growth is angled.

See what I mean?
I don’t have a front in mind. So, here’s the view from one side.
…and this is more or less from the other side.

But as I said, this one feels closer to a formal upright.

Most formal
Less formal.
Tasman Ruffles: January 2025 training
I think it’s going to depend on whether anything happens with those lower branches.
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