Blue Alps Juniper: January 2025 maintenance

This got blown off the bench in June, leading to a repot in August. But the repotting left the tree wobbly, and I was worried strong wind would stress it too much. So I put it in a shady corner, hoping it would grow into the pot and firm itself up. Which didn’t happen. This maintenance needs to fix that.

Starting point. The foliage has shifted… some pads grown, some dropped, mostly not for the better. At least the baby tears are happy.
Didn’t I have to wire that ground cover on? Oh yeah, there it is.
Out of the pot.
The root base seems ok.
I left the base lined with rocks to give some weight… I still don’t want it to tip over, although the current foliage doesn’t make that seem likely.
Blue Alps Juniper: January 2025 maintenance
And done.
(That wiring over the pot needs to go.)
By ancient tradition.
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