I’ve only managed to grow decent moss on one tree, which honestly feels like a fluke. I think it’s the Aussie summers, which just dry out anything not in deepest shade. Instead, I either use ground covers (which I assume compete for nutrients in the pot), leave the bare stone showing, or sometimes added a light cover like sand or pumice (which tends to wash off). But moss eludes me. But maybe I found an alternative.
I was getting some fresh air at a random picnic spot when I noticed many clumps of moss growing along the parking lot.
These turned out to be quite easy to pluck out of the ground:
These end up being about 1cm worth of moss in a shallow layer of dirt. I took them home, removed any moss bits, dusted of the dirt layer, and then laid them on some of my pots.
Some examples:
But I’d like to have a more convenient (and cleaner) source for the moss. I know moss farms are a thing, so I grabbed a semi-clear box, and made one.
That’s it. I’ll put it outside in a semi-shaded space, and see how it goes. This experiment will be successful if the moss spreads noticeably into the un-mossed areas.