Brush Cherry: March 2024 maintenance

In October this got a replant into pumice/perlite to seek better growth, and by December was growing. It’s now autumn, and it’s time for some maintenance.

Starting point. The growth is shrub-like, and hides the trunk. The lean of the trunk is causing one-sided growth.
I had hoped that this branch would get some back-budding, but I guess it’s dead.
And same again.

So, let’s remove the dead branches, and do some pruning and wiring to open up the tree.

Side view.
Front (?) view.

I’m not thrilled with the styling as yet. But I’m mostly viewing this as recovery. Once this moves beyond shock growth I’ll consider style.

Another view.
And outside in less gloomy light.
Looks like that thick mat of dead whatever is going to put out some growth.
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