The Lemon Myrtles – 2015 Creation

In 2016 one of my brothers got married. They had the bright idea of giving out Lemon Myrtles to all the guests at the end of the reception as a symbolic gift. Unfortunately, after a day of excitement and marriages and celebrations and drinking, the idea completely slipped everyone’s mind. Cleaning up afterwards, I ended up with about 2 dozen Lemon Myrtle seedlings. For whatever reason, I got it into my head to try to bonsai them. And so it starts.

A tiny balcony, a pot and soil, and boughs.

My first sets of bonsai were pretty simple.

Everyone likes big river stones, yes?

These all died within the year – I think I took a business trip and didn’t arrange for appropriate watering. The only survivors were in a self watering planter. Here they are a year later (May 2016 ):

Self Watering = Resilience = Survive an absent minded gardener.

And they’re still going in April 2017.

The red is normal leaf growth. But they are crowded.

By November 2017 I got around to splitting out the plants, and boy were those roots tangled.

Hi Oggie!

…and the other one, who didn’t get a terracotta pot.

January 2018:

They all grow happily.

September 2018:

Maybe not so happily all the time.

January 2019, and it looks like I lost a couple:

It looks like I started pruning down. Also, you can’t see it very well, but the trunks have been thickening.

March 2019

It doesn’t show well in the side pics, but they have a big fanning effect.

May 2019:

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