Silver Elm: April 2023 gathering

I was out and about and I noticed this very pretty tree.


Turns out that it’s a Silver Elm.

The silver in the leaf comes from being very variegated. Latin names are more obvious that you might think.

It is autumn, and seeds were dropping on other trees, so I thought I’d have a look to see if there were any likely candidates. There were.

How did this one sprout?
And this one?

These were growing in a well tended bed, so I was puzzled why they hadn’t been uprooted long before. Well, it turns out Elms are runners.

I cleaned up the soil after me, and made off with this strip of baby Elm.
Close up.

In the long run, I’m going to have to trim that long root back, but that’s a future task. For now, let’s see if can handle the shock of transplant.

From small things…
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