Kangaroo Apple: December 2023 update

In November 2022 I had one successfully germinated Kangaroo Apple.

Wait, wait, wait. Why isn’t it “Kangaroo Apple Tree”? Let me check some usage… no it’s mostly ‘Kangaroo Apple’, but it’s a common name, and sometimes “Tree” is added. Pffbt. English is weird.

Anyway, here’s some updates.

August 2023. Spent quite a bit of time in this small tub, so I think about here I moved it into something bigger, and gave it more light.
October ’23. More light helps.
November ’23. Those are some big leaves there.
December ’23.

That’s growing pretty fast. I’ve been wanting to chop it at about the third leaves, looking to encourage some ramification. But I was surprised enough to hold back.

This is a week after the previous December photo. And we’ve been visited by the Flower Fairies.
I was not expecting this.
Quite pretty.

I’ll leave the chop till Autumn and let them grow for a while.

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