Black Locust – January 2022 update

Still in training, but growing vigorously. I pulled in out of the pot a few months back to check the roots will work in a pot, which doesn’t seem to have done any harm. I have to regularly cut the branches back.

On hot days all those leaves fold up, allowing you to see the trunk.

It’s pretty much at the stage of needing to be in a pot so I can judge scale. Also, the trunk under there is slanted, and I’m planning to carve it back into a hollow. Which will need a tool. Still, something to do in Autumn.

EDIT: Let’s add some detail to this view. More shots from a bit later in January.

The leaves fold up on hot days, I presume to reduce water loss.

Those closed leaves mean I can get in and see the trunk.

I’m optimistic this will eventually make for a great tree.
moving to the side a bit
Well, this just came out silly.

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