Weeping Larch: September 2022 potting

Time for a pot, so this one can be pretty.

The buds started coming out in late August, and were pretty fully in by mid September.

August 21
August 25
September 9
September 23

Starting the show:

It’s going to be hard to frame this one.
out of the pot, and it’s root bound.

Cleaning starts:

Getting there. Trying to keep roots to support the leaves.
It’s going in a deep pot, so I’m not going to focus on very radial roots.

Clean enough.

I want a tall pot to support the weeping. I believe it will be heavy enough (and the larch will sway enough) that it won’t get blown over.
Finished. Minor trimming of the falls to be level with the base of the pot, and to remove particularly right angled branches.
A little bit of wiring to stop branches crossing.
On the bench.
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