Moss Vandal: December 2022 attacks

The past week will be the end of my use of wild-harvested cushion moss. This is the work of the Moss Vandal! It’s been happening a bit in the past, where I’d find a few tufts cast aside. But this last week has been a step up in total repudiation of my moss. The Vandal has been coming into my yard, systematically working it’s way along every bonsai with the cushion moss, and making it’s displeasure felt.

Exhibit A, 27th December:

This tuft? It doesn’t meet spec, so it’ll have to go.
Yeah, see the finking in this moss? Yeah, it’ll have to go.
This moss has a bad case of dry-hops, you don’t want that.
Look, you don’t have that, it’ll just weigh you down.

Exhibit B, 30th December:

Out, Out, damned moss.
We’ve had complaints from the neighbours, so the moss has to go.

Exhibit C: 31st December:

This! Is! Mossless!

I assume this is a bird of some description, that has been ripping up the moss to check if there’s bugs under the moss. So I’m heartened that whatever it is only gets rocky soil as it’s reward… generally there’s no damage to the soil. It’s been very definitely working clockwise around the house. It’s now reached the end, so either it leaves me alone, or starts getting into the ground cover, which I hope will be more robust.

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