Oak Seedling: December 2023 updates

You know that thing I did treating acorns like avocado seeds?

Five months later. That didn’t work.

But sometime in autumn (May 23?) I did put an acorn in a tiny pot and covered it in soil-like substance, just like squirrels do. And watered it periodically, which I’m pretty sure squirrels don’t. Let’s check in on that.

August ’23: I grew a stick.
September ’23: Someone put leaves on that stick.
Two weeks later in September. This thing needs a new home.
Root inspection.
I like that it’s bigger on the bottom.
That’s a mixture or stones, charcoal, and perlite, which I’m using for almost everything these days. Run free, little buddy.
Those leaves look too big for this seedling.
December ’23: hmm… looks like I should give it some pest protection.

So yeah. I understand oaks grow slowly, so… ten years and this might be something.

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