Wild Pepper Tree: December 2023 creation

This one seeded in our back yard without anyone’s intervention. Last year I put it into a pot… an iedori if you like, since I didn’t have to go to a mountain. It’s been growing all year to the point that I needed to decide what I wanted to do with it. I’ve decided for a small bonsai.

Starting point. I’ve trimmed that top several times and it keeps coming back.
One of the reasons to pot it is for the vision of what works. Without the pot this is too much possibility.
Side views of the root ball.
Not really much roots to work with… I’m surprised it’s growing so strongly.
So here we go. The vision is to keep it relatively small and branching. The leaf structure will give the appearance of a weeping tree, which is how these things end up growing.

I’ve got others I grew from seed, but they don’t have anything like this one’s character… they all end up looking like palm trees. I need to intervene there.

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