Black Wattle: February 2024 Training

I pulled these out of the shared pot in October. The largest went into a plastic bonsai tray, the next three largest went into regular pots for some growing, while the smallest went wee-wee-wee all the way into a tiny pot. The middle three are in need of some training.

After seeing the other in action, I’ve found that Black Wattles will grow both horizontal and vertical branches, with a pronounced forking action. They will also readily grow multiple branches off a single trunk node. Plus, these three, having been kept close together, are focusing on growing high rather than thickening. Which are all traits to be trained.


Starting point. Lots of branches, but with rather leggy branches.
Close up still at the start.
Some double up of the branches. And I wonder what’s causing those leaves to drop off the stem in the middle there?
Finished. Although it’s still top-heavy, and in need of all-round sun. Time for moving.


Starting point. Very long and leggyy.
Bringing the center trunk into focus. This is in good shape.
I think we’re finished here. This still looks a bit top-heavy. Also, that potion of the former trunk that got chopped should be fully chopped back to get better taper.


Starting point for the third.
Some lower growth. The Black Wattle seems to do this sort of thing readily.
And done. That knob at the top is a dollop of resin from a prior cut, which the tree self sealed.



I’m planning for these three to go into a forest planting. They’ll need to be shaped to complement each other. Which means two growing out to the sides and the tallest in the center. They all need fuller sun, especially as we go into winter. I’m not going to pot them till spring, but what if I put the plastic pots in a bonsai pot till spring as a final training step?

A few minutes later…

Nope, the three pots won’t fit into even my largest bonsai pot. But they are now in a full-sun spot.

Not here, because the barrel would shade them. Also, this is a month after the trimmings. And I think the one on the right (thickest and tallest) will go in the center, which means the center needs to be shorter.
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