Common Fig: January 2024 update

The fig has been growing like crazy since I repotted into perlite mix. It’s not great from a bonsai point of view, but it does work for a here-is-a-lush-pile-of-green-leaves-coming-from-a-small-pot view.

Establishing shot 1: a thick canopy blocking the trunks.
Establishing shot 2: See branches growing sideways without much style.
Close up exterior.
Close up interior 1: showing how the foliage blocks the view.
Close up interior 2: new growth a-plenty.

I don’t have any vision for this. I have very generic pruning plans of pruning off the very leggy sideways branches, and trying to lift the canopy. If I could have a thick canopy while retaining visibility of the trunks, that might be an interesting view. There’s also the planting to fix. I have four trees, with two planted very close to a) balance each other, and b) try and pretend it’s a planting of three. But that didn’t really work, and the round pot means there’s no noticeable front.

Anyway, here’s what I ended up with:

That is… not balanced. At all.
It reminds me of kelp under a wave.
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