Oriental Juniper: May 2022 update

As I sit down to write this post, I note my last words:

I’m going to leave it alone for the rest of the season…


One of the points of this blog was so that I would go and look at these notes. But I didn’t. The tree needed some grooming, and I just leapt to it. *sigh*

Anyway: I’ve been noticing that weeds. And cobwebs. And some branches I just don’t like.

How dost though bug me? Let me count the ways.

So with an afternoon free, let’s fix it:

On the bench with you.
The weed is actually rather impressive given everything else going on in there.

It was but the work of a couple of podcasts to fix. This one (S02E13), I think.

Much better.

But since it was on the block, I went ahead with some trimming and wiring. Because I didn’t ready my last notes.

A straight up branch removed, a couple of straight out branches wired for movement…
…some shaping of the overall profile, and some trimming of the bigger pads.

So now I really will leave it alone. Right, future Michael?

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