Acer Forest – September 2022 repotting

This is something I’ve been meaning to get round too for a while now. It was never a very interesting planting, and not very interesting trees, and not a good soil mix, and generally just needs revision. So it’s time to repot, so I can undo the mistakes of the past.

Problem 1: Did I use a grid to lay everything out?
Problem 2: thin, boring trees, except the one on the right.
Problem 3: so much stone
Problem 4: the pot is way too big for what’s in there.
Problem 5: the soil mix is terrible (which you can’t see yet, but stick with me).

I hauled it to the bench and started exposing the roots.

I’ll confess, I did not expect this much fluffiness.

Here’s the soil mix. Looks like bark, stones, charcoal, diatamous clay, and scoria. It was very dry.

It looks like the refuse from a building site.

Cleaning time.

This one is a) noticeably bigger than the others, and b) has some movement in the trunk. It’s getting a solo career.
Lots of fluffy roots to sort out.

Rebuilding the forest but smaller.

Next season I’ll equalise the heights of the various trees.

Add a cover and call it a day.

Adding some cover.
Still a bit too griddy. hmm.

And the solo career.

That’s a very straight edge in the front of this picture, although maybe it’s the back of the tree. There’s possibly another trunk chop in the future. I’ll see how it develops.
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