Chinese Wisteria – September 2022 potting

First up… let’s watch spring come on.

August 8th – small buds
Detailed view of the buds.
Hmm… well, I spent the six weeks between these photos watching those buds swell from fingernail size to thumb size. But apparently, not taking photos.

Anyway, after vacillating for most of the past year, I’ve decided it’s time for this one to go into a real pot. Here’s the starting point.

This is one week after the last photo. The flowers jumped out.
The Oxalis gets everywhere, so this will be a bare rooting.
Those grow bags do a great job at developing fine root systems.
Cleaning up a bit…
…and a bit more.
All right, let’s try this.
Nope, still more needs to go.
Now we’re cooking.
Wiring ready.
Wiring on.
And there we go.

I’m hopeful that after recovering from the heavy root pruning, this will develop a solid canopy which will really shade the base. There’s still buds to come out, so I’m hoping I got in early enough.

Goodbye roots.

EDIT: it’s a week after the potting.

In place.
I’m curious about this moss. It was growing on a vertical surface… will it cope with being flat?
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