Pomegranate Elche: September 2022 acquisition

Picked up for $50 at Bunnings, despite that being a terrible idea (expensive, and typically uninteresting stock). But anyway.

The docs.

Here’s the tree as it came.

That’s about 6 feet tall, and well into the spring swing.

Here’s a close-up on the base, which is what sold me.

Aerial roots, plus a very strong clump, which I’m hoping will be interesting.

And some details on the tree.

There’s thorns (not strong ones but still).
And it looks like the thorns grow new branches, which is interesting.

But first, there’s too much top for my purposes, so lets deal with that.

A first rough cut for shape. Still too tall.

After I finished, I began to wonder about the best angle.

As grown, it has something of a list.
I could correct that in planting, for more of a spread.

I went with the tilt for now… I’ll have time to think further.

Sunshine and time.

As I look back on this post, I’m thinking I still left some long straight bits. Maybe they’ll grow some branches, or maybe they’ll come off next season. Also, this is a candidate for growing in a wooden box.

The stuff left behind.
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