Box Elder: December 2023 repotting, wilting, and re-repotting

This one has had a year.


Starting in August, after completely losing it’s leaves over the winter. Many of the trees from 2022 were in what turned out to be terrible soil. So this is repotted into soil with more perlite.

Buds ahoy.
Those weeds get everywhere.
I was actually a bit surprised… this is a very nice root mat.
From above.
Fitting and cleaned.
And done.


On September 20th I found the tree wilted. Not sure why – the other trees got the same watering. But for whatever reason, this one was near-death.

That’s not good for a tree.

This was before work, so some emergency action.

Which is to say: a pool of water and a brick to hold the root-mat down.

When I got back that evening, the tree was better, but still not great.

An iPhone flash does not make for a pleasant shot.
At least the leaves are standing up.
Next morning… signs of life.

Second Repotting

I left it like that for a couple of weeks, but eventually figured that that the repotting in August hadn’t been very good. There was a lot of wiggle in the way the tree was planted… did this let too much air in?

So it’s a brand-new home.

Turns out that this worked wonders, but that’s a later story.

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