Crepe Myrtle: November 2023 repotting

The Crepe Myrtle has been somewhat stagnant for a year. The leaves don’t look lush, and it hasn’t bloomed since 2019. I figure it’s time for a repotting.

Starting point.
Generally this is the side, because it lacks motion.
That moss turns out to be solid AF.
This does not look like fertile soil.

Once the tree is out of the pot, I find the roots saying it’s definitely time for repotting.

This is how the root ball came out.
It is extremely square.
Top of the root ball.
I didn’t trim those roots square… they’re just that grown in place.
All cleaned up and ready for a return.
Finished product.
…and the side view.

That was mid-November. Here we are a month later.

Actual green in those leaves.
… and lots of new growth, which might be Spring/Summer, but I’m attributing to the repotting.
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