Avocado Trio: September 2023 Potting

It’s been four years since these were germinated. And in that time I’ve had a nagging worry that avocados need deep roots, and simply won’t accept being in a shallow pot. Which makes me nervous about putting them into an actual pot. But I don’t want to just leave them forever. So this spring I decided to make the jump from a regular pot to a bonsai pot.

Step 1: inspection.

The end stage of the avocado leaves always looks terrible. The weeds don’t help.
Close up on the base, with the remnants of the seed still showing.

Step 2: clean up.

Just a pile of weeds growing there.
Cleaned up the base.

Step 3: unleash the roots.

Heavy, heavy soil.
This part always takes so long.
A lot of space for what ended up being a relatively small root ball.
Hmm.. those roots are not promising.

Step 4: Prepare the pot.

This is my first concrete pot.

Step 6: In the pot

There’s the full size.

Step 7: styling.

Some wiring…
…some cut paste to fix old mistakes.


I don’t know what 44 means.

Now to see how it turns out.

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