Silky Oak: March 2022 sowing

More seeds!

Another neighbourhood tree: the Silky Oak, or Grevillea robusta. Everygreen, fern-like foliage, and bright orange comb-like flowers. Likes moist, well drained soil. Check. Check. Check.

Would this not look grand at 2 feet?

It looks laden with seeds, but I had to solve the mystery of the empty pods.

Someone has half-inched all the actual seeds.

A helpful passer-by walking their dog blamed the cockatoos. But it turns out the answer was at my feet:

That’s a little flake like seed. Or that’s what I think. If not, I just planted 30 nut scrapings.

I managed to find one still intact:

Apparently these slowly open and the seed drops out, I guess hoping to be caught by the wind.

So I gathered a bunch, soaked them overnight, and planted.

Planted 14/3.

I didn’t find anything about germination periods, so we’ll look at 4 weeks, and see how it goes.

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